
Defocusing is Bliss

Space is Awareness and Oneness

Contemplate Space?

What is Space?

Is it inside, outside, both or neither?

It really does not matter what you call it or how you define or describe it...Space is the final frontier!

This can be seen in Hubble Satellite images, as well as through the lens of quantum physics but the true recognition of Space requires neither telescopes or microscopes.

Space is the largest single unit of reality being the only constant that is all-encompassing, all-inclusive and continuous.

Space is never empty, as it is always full of myriad forms of information and every variety of energy.

Awareness and Space are synonymous terms, one presupposing the other. You cannot have Space without Awareness or vis versa.

When Space is perceived between forms, it is experienced as Oneness and when Awareness is experienced within, it is perceived as Space.

When Space is known in itself, it is understood to be unbounded Awareness that is Infinite and Absolute.

This is not religion, belief or even philosophy, it is an experiential awareness of Self as Space that can be known directly.

Spirituality is the purest of all of the sciences, having no basis in faith, in fantasy or in religion.

The essence of all sciences is philosophy and the essence of all philosophy is spirituality. The essence of spirituality is spiritual realization. 

What is Spiritual Realization?

Spiritual realization is an understanding of reality based upon an awareness of Self that is rooted in experiential fact and that is equivalent with realization of the Ultimate Truth.

It is the final, total and categorical understanding of the true nature of Self, as the Ultimate Ground or Being of all beings that is perceived directly as a Space of Awareness that is Ultimate, Unbounded, Infinite and Absolute.

Each of the following distinct interpretations pertain to the same experience of spiritual realization and ALL ARE EQUALLY VALID AND TRUE:

"I am All"

"All is in Me"

"I am God"

"All is God"

"God is in All"

"All is in God"

"God contains all beings"

"Every being is God"

"All are One"

"One is All"

"All is Love"

"Love is All"


Reality is best described and most simply defined as a
Panentheistic Panpsychism.

What this means is simply that "God is in All and that All is Psychic." The quintessence of reality is spiritual and the essence of all forms is psychic.

How is the Spiritual Realized?

There are only two directions, two types or two distinctions in and of awareness; focused and unfocused.

The type of awareness between these two is transitional and not truly unfocused, therefore it is only another variety or form of focused awareness. Transitional awareness is defocused awareness.

There is no such thing as a "state of consciousness" and it is therefore impossible to experience "altered states of consciousness."

Awareness is only in different states or types of focus, all of which are ephemeral and temporary, none of which are permanent or lasting. Only awareness, in and of itself, is permanent, unchanging and unbroken.  

Experiences of a physical, emotional or mental nature are all at root experiences of psychic energy that is concentrated into specific patterns, frequencies or sounds through the focusing of awareness.

Consciousness is nothing more than the focusing of awareness, through mental, emotional or sensory faculties. Without awareness there can be no consciousness of thoughts, emotions or sensations.

What is Unfocused Awareness?

What is generally termed "Enlightenment," "Self-Realization," or "Spiritual Experience" is what occurs when awareness is unfocused.

 In more precise and specific terms it may be stated unequivocally that when awareness is unfocused and objectless, what is called "Enlightened Awareness" is experienced.

It would be incorrect and inaccurate to state that unfocused awareness causes Enlightenment, rather it would be truer to say that unfocused objectless awareness is Enlightenment.

Enlightenment is the natural, preexisting and present state of awareness of all beings. Some, such as human beings are merely in a better position to realize and to embody this basic, essential and self-evident fact.

How is Unfocused Objectless Awareness achieved?

There is only one way to achieve unfocused objectless awareness - though there may seem to be many means - and it is through the defocusing of awareness.


There is no other way or means to Enlightenment other than to defocus awareness.

The Yogic method does this through focusing awareness so intently upon some object that concentration ultimately breaks, thus naturally defocusing awareness which brings one to an unfocused objectless awareness.

The Zen method does something similar through Zazen, beginning with a focusing of awareness, gradually relaxing or defocusing awareness and ultimately resting in unfocused objectless awareness.

The Dzogchen method meditates directly upon awareness itself or penetrates Space through sky-gazing, thus entering directly into the process of defocusing awareness and reaching unfocused objectless awareness.

The Self-Enquiry method of Ramana Maharshi is a method of focusing upon "i" and finding "i" to be a mere thought and thus a nonexistent phantom. The end result of this practice of Self-Enquiry being a defocusing of awareness that brings one to direct awareness of the True I of the True Self.

All methods for Enlightenment - whether one is entering inwardly into Awareness, expanding outwardly into Space or seeking the experience of Oneness with all - are based upon the defocusing of awareness.

What is Defocused Awareness and how is it practiced?

The best comparison or analogy for understanding defocused awareness is drawn from the Japanese Martial Arts, specifically the indications of Miyomoto Musashi in his "Book of Five Rings."

Musashi instructs one to "look at near objects as though they are far and far objects as though they are near."

This basic practice of cultivating an unfocused gaze is the true basis for all forms of self-defense, self-protection, environmental awareness and combat.

In life the details can be misleading, if not deceiving or deadly. In personal safety as in combat, in some situations, a slight miscalculation can mean the difference between life and death.

Often, it is only a moments inattention or a few critical split-seconds that result in an individual entering into a vulnerable or dangerous position in which one may be mugged, raped or killed. The purpose of the unfocused gaze is to see, assess and avoid these threats before it is too late

The basis of seeing out of the corner of one's eye is rooted in the unfocused gaze or as I call it "to see without looking." 

The unfocused gaze takes in the whole picture, not just any particular aspect or part. Thus, a great deal more information is absorbed providing a better apprehension of the entire situation, the whole environment and the appropriate response.

Unfocused awareness is very much like an unfocused gaze. Just as the unfocused gaze is achieved through the defocusing of the eyes, likewise an unfocused awareness is accomplished through the defocusing of awareness.

"If I am already That, then why am I not already Enlightened?"  If your experience is not Bliss, it is due only to focused awareness.

Defocusing of awareness depends upon beginning with Awareness, starting with Space or entering into Oneness.

To realize Self, objects must be disregarded due to the fact that all objects require some focus of awareness to be perceived.

By orienting awareness away from objects all that remains externally is Space and all that is experienced internally is Awareness. Between these two is Oneness.

Defocusing awareness is turning awareness inward towards Center and away from any and all objects, be they mental, emotional or physical.

Defocusing awareness is an outward expansion of awareness that is limitless, including all objects within Space.

Defocusing awareness is entering directly into the other and merging with the Oneness of all.