
The Three Ways to Enlightenment: Awareness, Space and Oneness

Three Ways to Realization

There is only one path to Enlightenment which is defocused awareness. There are three basic approaches to the defocusing of awareness, one through Awareness, one through Space and one through Form.

These three ways have been indicated in previous posts but I think that it is important to simplify the whole procedure by breaking it down into three processes or practices to clarify what defocused awareness is and how it is effected.

Each approach is a means that defocuses awareness. It is important to understand that only a moment of defocused awareness is necessary to experience Self-Awareness.

The precursor for Enlightenment and/or Self-Realization is always Self-Awareness or awareness of the Self.

Each of these experiences is distinct and each of these terms has a specific meaning: 

Self-Awareness is awareness of the Self. Prior to Self-Realization or Enlightenment, one will experience whatever number of instances of Self-Awareness.

Self-Realization is realization of the Self. It is identical to Self-Awareness, except that there is an immediate recognition/realization of one's True and Ultimate Identity.

Enlightenment is an abiding awareness of Self. Self-Awareness that is sustained plus Self-Realization is what it means to be Enlightened.

It is through defocused awareness that one experiences Self-Awareness. The process can be outlined in a simple four-step process:

1. Defocus Awareness

2. Self-Awareness

3. Self-Realization

4. Enlightenment

As has been said there are three methods for defocusing awareness. The first method of defocusing through Awareness is an inward turning, an inner looking or an awareness of Being. The second method of defocusing through Space is an out going, an outward expanding or an experience of the Infinite. The third method of defocusing through Oneness is a blending, a merging or a penetrating to the Unitive Essence

 Each of these three approaches will be discussed separately.

Enlightenment through Awareness

Where the journey begins and ends is in the same place. Awareness is intrinsically Enlightened by its very nature or more precisely the nature of awareness is Enlightenment. So, by bringing awareness back to itself or to its Center one can realize Self.

Awareness is turned inwardly, by surrendering, through relaxing, in letting go, by dropping, in falling, through retreating and by backing away.

Awareness must be turned about upon itself, investigated, explored as an interior process of self-knowing without reference to sensations, feelings or thoughts.

Awareness looks at, into, upon its own essence directly without an intermediary.

Awareness must see itself, naked, free and unadorned of either physiology or of psychology.

Awareness must come inward to the point of being behind the body, outside of the body and within the inside of the inside of everything.

Awareness must enter into awareness leaving both body and mind that Self may know Self.

Awareness must look only to itself for Happiness.

Awareness is your own possession. In order for Awareness to see its own Self, awareness must be turned 180 degrees.

When awareness is turned inward upon itself, there will begin to be felt a slight taste or flicker of bliss. This initial taste or touch of the flame of Bliss is the thread that must be followed and that will lead to greater Self-Awareness, Realization and Enlightenment.

Realization through Space

Space is the true nature of Awareness and of Self. There is no limit or bound to this Space, so the experience of limitation to or by a particular form is not an awareness of Reality.

Space is Infinite, Unlimited, Absolute and Ultimate. You are Space, not form, not even some energetic essence.

To realize Enlightenment through Space only requires an expanding, an opening, an unfolding of awareness in all directions outwardly.

Extend awareness to ascertain or determine the extent of Space or the depth of Awareness.

Expand awareness to determine the limits, the boundaries or the end of Space and of Awareness.

Open awareness to include everything.

Unfold awareness.

Infuse awareness into every object.

Spread awareness throughout all of Space.

Disperse or scatter awareness in all directions. See if you can give all of your awareness away or if you can lose any part of it...or perhaps you will end up possessing more awareness rather than less.

Space can always serve as an "object" of meditation, of contemplation or as a place of expansion.

There is no such thing as "consciousness expansion," given that Space, which is Awareness is already everywhere. All that is required is recognition and experience of this basic fact of existence.

Awareness is always unbounded by sensation, feeling or thinking.

Free Awareness from all forms and Self will be seen as Space.

Oneness through Form

Form is what gets our focus. We focus awareness upon "internal" and "external" forms or objects. This is how we remain unaware of our True Self. However, there is an alternative way to relate to objects and that is to use forms as springboards for the Awareness or Realization of Oneness.

Meaningless philosophical hair-splitting as to whether there is Oneness, One or Not-One/Not-Two bore me...the fact remains that Enlightenment is as much an Awareness of Oneness, as it is an Awareness of Space and as it is an Awareness of Self...so, form can be a means to Realization of this Oneness that is Loving and Joyous-Bliss.

Focus as intently as you can upon any single object.

Continue focusing thus until you become one with the object.

If you experience Emptiness, this is okay.

The experience of the unreality of "self" or "other" is transitory.

Continue focusing upon only the object.

When you experience Oneness with the object, you must shift awareness from the object to the Oneness.

Allow your awareness to rest in this experience of Oneness.

Once you have Oneness, turn only to Oneness.

Objects or forms are only aids to bring awareness to Oneness.

Stay with this awareness of Oneness.

Let the experience unfold.

After Oneness is perceived and persisted in, Love and Bliss will become apparent.

Rest, relax, enjoy.

Prior to awareness of Being, one must do.

After awareness of Being, one must only Be.

There is no need to hold onto, to clutch or to grasp these types of awareness. You are always in possession of your Self, which is Awareness, Space and Oneness.

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