Defocusing Awareness
As has been stated in previous posts there are three basic ways to achieve awareness of Self, which is the precursor of Self-Realization/Enlightenment. The three means to defocused awareness are through Awareness, through Space and through Oneness. Each approach can be utilized for the defocusing of awareness. I will explore each of these methods separately through an experiential language or through a language that facilitates direct experience of the Self. In this particular context, language can only guide, direct or point to an experiential awareness of one's True Self.
There is no language, concept or energy transfer that can insure Self-Awareness...however, there is one way to guarantee Enlightenment and it is through the defocusing of awareness. What follows is language conveying concepts and possibly energy for the purpose of defocusing awareness. My aim is to communicate this process in a new way, with fresh terminology that is oriented towards direct experience. I desire for my words to convey the experiential and not merely to define or to describe the basic principles of Self-Realization merely in a general or abstract way. I want you to experience Enlightenment!
You cannot think your way to Enlightenment, nor can you feel or sense Self-Realization. The point is to enter into your own awareness. You must know your own awareness or rather become aware of awareness. There may be no external guide but there are three points of departure for the initiation of this process. Let us begin with Awareness.
Your awareness is your Center. Can you find the Center of your Awareness? What is the Circumference of your Awareness?
Find your own Center. What is it? Where is it?
The very Center of your own Being is the Heart of all beings.
Start digging inward. Begin dropping backward. Sink into your Self. Dive deep within.
Plunge to the depths. Immerse in the innermost. Penetrate the inmost. Practice inness.
Abandon everything. Retreat self-ward. Retract awareness. Let it all go.
Surrender all. Hold nothing. Give in. Give up.
Just look away. Turn away. Reverse your gaze. Become inturned.
Fall. Return home. Look inwhere. Cease looking elsewhere.
Disengage. Withdraw. Avert. Divert.
Collapse totally. Submit unconditionally. Desist all madness. Sanity is inversion.
Loose every grip. Abandon every hold. Raise every anchor. Break every bond.
Turn about. Break away. Inter-looking. Self-facing.
Inpour awareness. Inflow. Inward bound. Ingoing
Influx. Inaware. Inter-knowing. Inconscious.
Imploding. Release. Rest. Relax.
When your Center is reached, you will find that it is Space. The Nothing that is Everything. Space is everywhere.
How does one realize that the Ultimate Nature of all is Space? How does one experience the Absolute Being of Infinite Space directly?
Every direction contains the potential for Enlightenment.
Soften awareness. Float in Space. Leap outward in all directions. Soar spaciously free.
Ease into nothingness. Open into emptiness. Unfold into everything. Unfurl completely.
Extend everywhere. Spread outward infinitely. Liberate your awareness. Expand filling Space.
Widen your scope. Broaden your view. Outstretch your Self. Swimming in Space.
Open awareness. Disperse focus. Open out. Radiate attention.
Broadcast awareness. Enlarge awareness. Receive everything. Hold nothing.
Suffuse all with awareness. Diffuse focus. Envelop every object. Distribute awareness.
Place no limit. Set no limit. Experience no limit. There is no limit.
Pervade all Space. Permeate all forms. Fly omni-directionally. Melting into Space.
Allowing all beings. Embracing all experience. Encircling all within You. Encompassing all of Creation.
Be capacious. Enfold the world. Contain all energy. Enclose all within awareness.
Include all. Surround everything. Welcome life. Incorporate all into awareness.
Become sky-like. Vast. Limitless. Unobstructed.
When Space is realized, Oneness is experienced. There is only One. Two-ness can aid in the awareness of Oneness.
How is Oneness realized? How does one "become" One with others? By what means can Oneness be experienced directly?
Every object is a pathway to the awareness of Oneness.
Become One with everyone. Become One with everything. Merge. Join.
Enter. Blend. Unite. Engage.
Between "self" and "other." Behind. Before. Beneath.
Content. Form. Context. Oneness.
The background is You. One Ness. Everythingness. Everywhere streaming.
Shapeless. Formless. Boundless. Nothingness.
Nowhere. Everywhere. Nobody. Everybody.
Outside of all. Inside of You. Stand beside your body. Bodiless.
Underlying. Unchanging. Objectless. Bottomless.
Come together. In total focus. Absorption. One.
Shift. Switch. From two-ness. To Oneness.
Throughout. Isness. All over. Blissness.
No one. Void. Zero. Empty.
Edgeless. Openness. Spreading through. Unifying.
Clear. Pure. Whole. Complete.
Field. Single. Uniform. Constant.
Basis. Ground. Root. Universal.
Continuous. Unitary. Fundamental. Identity.
Pouring Grace. Spreading Light. Expanding Essence. Unitive Being.
Self everywhere. Being everything. Existence. Oneness.
Center. Awareness. Circumference. Space.
Between two. One. Within One. Two.
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