The Value, Importance and Necessity of Spiritual Breakthroughs
Enlightenment comes through insights, moments and instants of spiritual breakthrough. The path to Self-Realization is a process comprised of experiences that are of a categorically different and distinct nature from the typical, average or usual awareness or experience of human beings. In one sense, Enlightenment is ordinary and in another sense, it is extraordinary. It is the extraordinary experiences or the breakthroughs that will guide one to the ultimate experiences or to the fundamental understanding. The work, the focus, the intensity, the effort and the drive in spiritual practice is aimed at achieving spiritual breakthroughs. The whole point and purpose of the "spiritual path" is only the spiritual breakthrough.
Without spiritual breakthroughs, Enlightenment remains a fantasy, an idea or merely an imagined possibility or a hypothetical reality. One must strive for direct experience through breakthroughs, from one's present awareness to a spiritual awareness. There must be an inward drive, push or pull that propels one into whatever psychic action seems most likely to result in a new, fresh or different awareness of oneself. Meditation is not enough. Prayer is not enough. Concentration is insufficient. There must be a deep, sustained and open engagement of awareness with the whole of creation if Oneness is to be perceived. Likewise, there needs to be a tremendous thrust inward that plumbs the very depths of one's Self, if Awareness is to be known directly. Further, awareness must explode in all directions penetrating into all forms for Space to be seen as the Clear Light of Bliss.
The leap from the known to the Unknown, from the finite to the Infinite is a short one but it is a leap nonetheless. Awareness must be shifted, switched or turned that there may be a breakthrough, not merely of a psychological nature but rather of a spiritual nature. It is a breaking away from one's present focus and breaking through to another experience or awareness of Self. One breakthrough leads to another and all lead inexorably towards a Final, Absolute and Total breakthrough. You must breakthrough to Oneness by seeing beneath, behind or before duality and separation. You must breakthrough to Awareness by turning completely inward and by "by going all the way" into your Self. You must breakthrough to Space by expanding, widening and extending until you are nothing but everything and until you are none but all.
Spiritual breakthroughs always precede spiritual Realization and spiritual Enlightenment. In breaking through spiritually, one is recognizing and revealing the Ultimate Nature of everything, which is Eternal Bliss. Which means unchanging, permanent and abiding happiness that is pure spiritual Light and that is non-physical, non-psychic and other than containing all Grace is non-energetically based. The point of spiritual realization is to know one's true identity and to experience happiness. It is through spiritual breakthroughs that one ultimately achieves this end or goal. Thus, the ultimate spiritual breakthrough is also the ultimate spiritual happiness.
Break inward to your Core, to the very Center, to the Heart of Being. Keep digging deeply into your own Self. Your Awareness Is Infinite. The end is endless. Look backward, not forward! Turn inward, not outward! Look into the looker. Step outside of your life. Before you...STOP! DON'T MOVE! FREEZE! Begin in this state. Question, Doubt, Uncertainty. Start there. Not-knowing is the way to Knowing. Just don't know!
Break outward like rays of light, reaching everywhere, touching everything. You reach the Infinite, Right Here. You cannot move without touching the Infinite. Extend beyond your limits. Expand outside of your bounds. Were you ever less than Infinite? Reach out and touch every point in Space. Can anything stop you? You think...but you are wrong! Space is You and You are Space. Look into the Space that seemingly surrounds "you" and see your Original Face. Space is the Being that is Here and Now, always, already, everywhere, endless and eternal. There is nothing outside of This.
Breakthrough to the Oneness that envelops, contains, fills all creation. Seeing is One with the seen. Being is One with the doing. I-ing is One with the you-ing. The Center is everywhere, nowhere, just Presence. Look at that, it is You. See her, she is You. The felon is You. The homeless man is You. Every tree is your Self. Every bird is your Being. The wall is filled with your own Spirit. Every sight, contains Truth. Every sound, resonates Light. There is no experience that is not contained within You. There are no objects, only Life-Saturated Self-Expressions. No matter which direction you turn, you cannot turn from your Self. If you want to find your Self, look everywhere, into everyone and within everything. You are already there! Look and see for your Self.
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